September 8

The Birth of WelGard

Necessity is the mother of of invention.

Once upon a time on the 4th of July, a guest at a weekend party in Maryland was “startled” to see that the toilet wouldn’t flush. He then tried to turn on a water faucet ………..and nothing happened. There was no water anywhere in his house.

The unlucky homeowner didn’t know where to go, or who to call about dealing with his dilemma. His family was in crisis mode and he suddenly realized that he could not fix the problem himself. He stared at his water-well in disbelief.

He called numerous well technicians but got lukewarm response times and vague comments about the potential costs involved. Pump installers told him there was no problem with the pump and mechanical equipment, so he called up a well driller. When the well drillers arrived, several dry holes foretold of even bigger problems to come. No one could guarantee a well that provided water; and no final cost could be projected. Timelines to solve the problem were always “let’s hope for tomorrow.”

The ordeal caused the homeowner and his family to move out of their home, into temporary lodging.

Needless to say, the homeowner experienced major disruptions of his personal and professional life as he watched helplessly over the growing number of dry holes and ever-increasing costs. This went on for months. In fact, it wasn’t until the day after Thanksgiving before he could move back home.

The whole episode cost him an estimated $45,000, and in his words, “about 10 years off of my life.”

The homeowner wondered how others in similar situations dealt with this exact problem. His research proved that his situation was quite common for well owners: wells fail rain or shine. At the time, there wasn’t a one-stop solution to this problem for families that depend on, and he thought to himself that  well owners need a well guard to protect them when their well fails.

And on that day, the WelGard® Protection Plan was born.




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